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Minutes 07/17/2008

JULY 17, 2008

Members Present: Isadore Temkin, Alan Zordan, Bill Hill, Mike Clark
Also Present: Lorel Purcel, Robert Roach

The meeting opened at 6:35 PM on a motion from Bill Hill, seconded by Mike Clark

1. A motion to table approval of the Minutes of the MRC meeting of 6-26-08 was made by Bill Hill, seconded by Mike Clark.

2. Bob Roach of Friar Associates reviewed the  Commissioning bid advertisement/package to be advertised in the Waterbury Republican on August 11, or as soon thereafter as possible. Friar’s materials were given to Mike Clark for transmittal to the City Purchasing agent for her review, advertisement compilation and placement.

3. Mike Clark presented an overview of the qualifications of the potential City Hall temporary relocation sites. He stated that none of the six bids submitted had been eliminated from consideration at this time but that the goal for having a site selected is August 1, 2008. Iz Temkin stressed the importance  of keeping lease space refit costs at a minimum, and expressed that employees might have to accept some inconveniences for a short time in order for the renovation of City Hall to meet budget requirements. He went on to say that construction materials inflation is rising at a tremendous rate and will likely provide numerous challenges to the Committee.
4. Bob Roach  gave an overview of the status of the traffic building portion of the project. He indicated that  the project is on the agenda for City P&Z board review on Thursday 7/31, with a Public Hearing scheduled for August 6th. He further indicted that signage will need to be placed at the site 10 days prior to the hearing. Alan Zordan expressed that the plan needed to be reviewed by the MRC prior to submission to P&Z. Alan stated that once the P&Z approval was given there would be no opportunity to alter the plan for budget or any other purpose. Bob concurred with that, and agreed to provide Alan a copy of the materials which would be sent to P&Z,  within the week. Alan agreed with that schedule and will provide an opinion to the other members of the traffic building task group as well as the entire MRC. Mike Clark will coordinate necessary signage placement as well as  coordinating sending letters to adjoining property  owners.

5. A general status report by Lorel Purcel of  O&G was presented including the goal of advertising for bids on the traffic building construction on or about August 1. Iz Temkin questioned the placement of bid ads, their size and cost. Lorel stated that  only one bid would be placed in the Waterbury Republican  at a cost of about $1,000. This placement satisfies legal requirements. Mike Clark and Iz Temkin stated that the ad costs were too high and  that the ads should also run in the Register Citizen. Lorel replied that the ad costs were predicated on their size. Mike Clark said he would review the situation with the City Purchasing Agent Iz Temkin stated that advertising in two papers would reach more local contractors, a goal of the committee.
6. An update on the status of the Veteran’s Memorial  potion of the project was tabled due to the absence of the Mayor, who has handled most aspects of that project.

7. Mike Clark presented an overview of the line item cost accounting system he developed in conjunction with the City Comptroller. The system will provide detailed cost accounting for all areas of soft costs.

8. Under other business, Iz Temkin requested clarification of whether or not rebate dollars came off the project cost approved  at referendum. Mike Clark agreed to contact City Corporate Council for an opinion. Under additional other business, Bob Roach stated he has not received CAD prints regarding the Timken property although several requests have been made. Mike Clark agreed to seek City Hall involvement in procuring the plans.

9. A motion to adjourn was made by Bill Hill at 7:30 PM, seconded by Alan Zordan

Minutes submitted by Michael Clark, Chairman, MRC